State of the ARC #13



State of the ARC is a monthly meme at Avalinah’s Books meant to motivate you to finish up all your long overdue ARCs (Advanced or Early Reader Copies). You can track your reading progress and link up with your own post. Most commonly it comes out on the 30th of every month.

Hey friends! Today I have a State of the ARC meme post.

It’s been a while since I’ve last done an ARC update. I’m both nervous and kind of excited, I know that I started reading a couple of ARCs a couple of months ago, but since then I’ve honestly had no will to continue and finish them. Continue reading

State of the ARC #12



State of the ARC is a monthly meme at Avalinah’s Books meant to motivate you to finish up all your long overdue ARCs (Advanced or Early Reader Copies). You can track your reading progress and link up with your own post. Most commonly it comes out on the 30th of every month.

Hello everyone! Today is the day where I post another State of the ARC meme-post!

I haven’t posted a State of the ARC post since February, so this post is going to include March, April, and May.

Enjoy! Continue reading

State of the ARC #11



State of the ARC is a monthly meme at Avalinah’s Books meant to motivate you to finish up all your long overdue ARCs (Advanced or Early Reader Copies). You can track your reading progress and link up with your own post. Most commonly it comes out on the 30th of every month.

Hello friends and welcome to my eleventh State of the ARC post!

February’s State of the ARC is going to be a short and sweet one.

I didn’t get around to reading as many ARCs I wished I would have. However I did read two, and they still count.

flower divider

Titles I Read in February: Continue reading

State of the ARC | #10



State of the ARC is a monthly meme at Avalinah’s Books meant to motivate you to finish up all your long overdue ARCs (Advanced or Early Reader Copies). You can track your reading progress and link up with your own post. Most commonly it comes out on the 30th of every month.

Hello, and welcome friends!

I’m back at it in the ARC game. In January I had a difficult time not requesting books simply because there were so many titles that caught my attention. I ended up requesting a few of them, which in hindsight, is almost a burden to myself since I already have quite a few already to go through.

Since it’s still January, a goal I aim to achieve for 2019 is to get through almost all of the ARCs I have, and will acquire. Though the best thing I could do for myself would be to be able to read all of them. Yikes! Continue reading

State of the ARC #9


State of the ARC Meme

State of the ARC is a monthly meme at Avalinah’s Books meant to motivate you to finish up all your long overdue ARCs (Advanced or Early Reader Copies). You can track your reading progress and link up with your own post. Most commonly it comes out on the 30th of every month.

Hello and Welcome! This State of the ARC post marks the 9th one that I’ve participated in! Unfortunately this October I hit a huge reading slump, and with the Winter Holidays coming up, I’ve been making presents in preparation for that. So I didn’t get around to reading much this month! ARC-wise or no.

I know I set out a goal for this month but honestly, that went down the drain quickly. I can only hope that my reading goes up next month.

The ARCs I Received This October Were:

Though I tried my best to not request or download any books this October, I didn’t quite make it! I actually downloaded Crow Flight by Susan Cunningham.


The ARCs I Didn’t Finish (DNF) This Month Were:

  • A Million Times Goodnight by Kristina McBride; I’ve tried reading A Million Times Goodnight a few times now, and I just can’t get into the story. Which is a shame, because I really wanted to end up liking this book.


The ARCs I Reviewed This October Were:

None, I didn’t have anytime this month to finish reading anything!


I end October with a 63% Feedback Ratio.

Hopefully in November I can finish reading Harbinger by Emme Dewitt, Valhalla by Ari Bach, and a few more.

Thank you for stopping by!

How was your reading this October? 

Happy Reading!
— Adele

State of the ARC #8 | September ’18


State of the ARC meme

State of the ARC is a monthly meme at Avalinah’s Books meant to motivate you to finish up all you long overdue ARCs (Advanced or Early Reader Copies). You can tack your reading progress and link up with your own post. Most commonly it comes out on the 30th of every month.

Hello! Welome to my eighth (8th) State of the ARC meme post! I was especially excited about September since September, in my mind, launches the start of so many new beginnings. Maybe because grade-school in Canada starts in September. Which means reconnecting with old friends, and starting new friendships!

Yes, I was pretty excited about September this year, haha.

My one and only goal for September, ARC-wise, was to get my Netgalley Feedback Ratio (FBR) up to 65%. I ended August with a 61% FBR, and just wasn’t satisfied with that. So let’s see how I did this month!

Forward, my friends! Continue reading

State of the ARC #7 | August ’18


State of the ARC Meme

State of the ARC is a monthly meme at Avalina’s Books meant to motivate you to finish up all your long overdue ARCs (Advanced or Early Reader Copies). You can track your reading progress and link up with your own post. Most commonly it comes out on the 30th of every month.

Hello! Today’s post is going to be my SEVENTH State of the ARC post. Can you believe I’ve made it this far?!

My goal for August was to read at least 3 books. I also wanted to get my Feedback Ratio on Netgalley up to 65%. Continue reading

State of the ARC #6 | July ’18



State of the ARC is a monthly meme at Avalinah’s Books meant to motivate you to finish up all your long overdue ARCs(Advanced or Early Reader Copies). You can track your reading progress and link up with your own post. Most commonly it comes out on the 30th of every month.

Hello and welcome to another State of the ARC meme! This is my 6th time participating and I’m glad to say that by joining along in this monthly meme, my feedback ratio on Netgalley has slowly but surely gone up!

My goal for July, ARC wise, was to read at least 6 Advanced Reader Copies. Doing so would have made my feedback ratio percentage on NetGalley rise to 60(ish)%. Last month I didn’t request any books, which helped me raise my percentage a bit!

Another goal I wanted to have this month, was to have less DNF’d books than the ones I finished. Enough dilly-dallying though, let’s get into it!

The ARC’s I received this month were:

  • Harbinger by Emme DeWitt; What interests me the most about Harbringer is that the main character is a banshee. I’m actually seriously intrigued and a little frightened by the cover for Harbinger. I wonder what will happen! (This one was a READ NOW)
  • The Shadow Minds Journal by Kia Carrington-Russell; There were mentionings of shadow-beings in the books’ synopsis, so obviously I had to download it!! (This one was a read now)
  • Era of Undying by Emilie Knight; The author approached me and since the synopsis is so interesting I thought I’d give this one a go! I’m actually pretty excited about Era of Undying.
  • Seventh Born by Monica Sanz; I’m extremely curious about Seventh Born because the title is something I’ve actually always been curious about ever since I watched a movie as a young’n. The seventh child of a seventh child in my mind, always holds some sort of power. Hopefully that’s the case with Seventh Born!

arrow Continue reading

State of the ARC #5 | June ’18


State of the ARC Meme

State of the ARC is a monthly meme at Avalinah’s Books meant to motivate you to finish up all your long overdue ARCs(Advanced or Early Reader Copies). You can track your reading progress and link up with your own post. Most commonly it comes out on the 30th of every month.

My goal for my June ARC’s post was to be able to say that I finished reading all the “current titles” I had. There were five titles to work through. Three of the ARCs were Fantasy, and the last two are be Mysteries. Continue reading

State of the ARC #4 | May ’18



State of the ARC is a monthly meme at Avalinah’s Books meant to motivate you to finish up all your long overdue ARCs(Advanced or Early Reader Copies). You can track your reading progress and link up with your own post. Most commonly it comes out on the 30th of every month.

I told myself that I wouldn’t request any arcs this month… I already have enough to last me a long while, and believe me, I am working on it. This ARC pile I have is continuing work in progress. Yet there are too many interesting books out there! Too many! ..So I ended up requesting a few books. The ARCs I happily received this May are:

Continue reading