2021 Get to Know Me Tag

Green toned background shows white text that reads “Get To Know Me Tag”

Hello, friends! Long time no see! I fell away from blogging last year..….blogging as a whole wasn’t bringing me any joy, and felt more like a job that I wasn’t getting paid for. I’m still not going to be getting paid for it, but that’s okay! I hope to be more active this year. I want to get back to posting twice a week but really, I don’t find that I have much to say about anything these days. So any posts might be super short!

I haven’t done a Get To Know Me Tag for so long, and now that I’m back, I thought I’d do one today. Well, that, and I feel like an entirely different person than I was 8+ months ago.

Below is the Get To Know Me Tag that I found via google by searching “get to know the book blogger” on Google. I came across Lauren’s post (first post I saw!), and clicked on it.

Here are some questions to get to know me a tad better!

Introduce yourself!

Hello hello! 👋 I’m Adele (yes that is my real name). I’m currently 26-years-old, and I live in British Columbia, Canada. If that’s not ringing a bell for you, think Vancouver, Canada. I live about an hour away via car.

Something most everyone wants to know….do you have any pets?

At the time of me writing this post, I had one black cat named Jewels. He was more of an ass than not, but he was so sweet when he wanted to be. He turned 12 this year, but unfortunately passed this past August. So while I don’t have anymore animals, Jewels will always be in my heart, and a part of my soul. Hug your pet(s) for me, okay?

What is your favourite thing to drink?

Actually, my favourite thing to drink changes quite a bit depending on the day and how I’m feeling in that particular moment. However, that being said, I cannot stop thinking about the Cold Honey Green Tea Boba I get from my local Bubble tea place. It’s so freaking good—-sometimes I get mango stars added into the drink and omgggg it’s so freaking delicious. I drink them way too quickly, so, it’s a rare treat for myself (until I learn how to make it). 🧋🤤

Do you have any special talents?

Define special talents, haha. I don’t think so, no! I’m pretty un-ordinary, I think. 🤔


When and why did you start your blog?

I started Adele Is Reading back in November ’15. Before WordPress though, I had a booklr (book tumblr) circa 2012-2015, and decided to move to WordPress. To be honest though, I’ve had different blogs off-and-on since I was about 13 years old.

I started Adele Is Reading because I wanted to document both what I read, and what I thought of said books. I also wanted to share my love of reading through AIR, since I don’t have truly have anyone I can share my love of books with, in real life.

What is something that you wish you knew about blogging when your first started?

hmmm, I wish I knew how negative the entire book community as a whole could be when it comes to differences in our communities. Like the whole “physical vs. ebook,” “reading vs. audiobook,” “buying vs. borrowing,” “dog-earring vs. bookmark.” Like, really? Really? There are so many petty arguments that seem to pop up everywhere. Who cares if someone prefers physical or ebook, reading or audiobooks, or whether you buy or borrow books. Now, dog-earring, and even writing in the books you, yourself own, is perfectly fine!! They’re your books!! As long as you don’t write/bed/damage that books that aren’t yours, everything is all good. Seriously. The debates-turned-arguements-turned-internet-wars, is, in my opinion, so fucking dumb, and a complete waste of time.

What has been the hardest part about blogging?

Well, I’m so glad you asked! There are a few things that I find equally difficult: posting consistently, and finding/creating things to talk about. At heart I’m probably a simpleton—I don’t find myself having these end-all-be-all questions or debates with myself, and if I did, they’d probably be short. …And if I were to turn those into blog posts? The post(s) would be like 2 minute reads. LOL (lol emoji)

What has been the most rewarding part of blogging?

Finding new friends, and discovering new books!

Do you write your posts ahead of time, or write them the day of posting?

Oooh, fam, let me tell you that I queued 99% of my posts. The posts that I wouldn’t (though sometimes I did) queue, were my monthly wrap up posts.

There are times where writing reviews or something comes to me so easily, and then most days I have quite the hard time finding the words that I want. I like to call these times “I can’t English” just because I really will have the most difficult time trying to say what I want to say.


Who are your top 5 favourite authors?

Ooooh, this is such a fun question. Okay, so, these tend to change from time-to-time and more often than not I like to change my answer in hopes that people will check out the author / or the authors work(s). Right now at this time my top 5 favourite authors are:

  • Rin Chupeco
  • Julie Kagawa
  • G. Bailey
  • Hannah Jayne
  • Julie Ann-Peters

What genre do you read the most?

Ahh, yes, my favourite question. I read Fantasy the most. Specifically Urban Fantasy. There’s just something about reading a story wherein the setting is like our own, and there’s magic / supernatural / paranormal-ness involved. Fantasy stories warm my soul, and Urban Fantasy is my soul food.

Which genre surprised you by how much you love it?

I didn’t think that I’d be into the reverse-harem genre, but wowee-timbre-tom. Reverse Harem is that I’ve been reading the most since like, the start of 2020.

For those of you who don’t know, Reverse Harem is a genre wherein the main character (usually female, from what Ive read so far) has more than 2, or even 3 lovers. These books are spicy, and I love them so freaking much, I literally cannot get enough of them. So be prepare for the onslaught of RH book reviews that I may or may not be posting. I don’t know when these reviews will be posts, but they will be, and some of them will not be coherent. LOL!

Which popular book didn’t love up to the hype for you?

Oh man, it’s been so long since I’ve been active in the book community (and so long since I’ve read what was deemed a “popular” book) that I can’t remember the last book that didn’t live up the hype for me. Even just looking at my shelves I can’t remember what books were hype-dissapointments.

Who are some popular authors you haven’t read?

Ooh okay, so I’m going to change this question up a little—- Who are some popular authors that you haven’t read *yet in 2021*?

A big one for me is Tomi Adeyemi. I’ve heard nothing but amazing things from people talking about her books, so I’m quite interested in what’s been written by Adeyemi.

Another author that I want to read is Chloe Gong, and her book These Violent Delights. — Both Tomi Adeyemi and Chloe Gong are authors that I end up thinking about a lot, since I use Adeyemi’s Children of Blood and Bone quite frequently as an example size/fit for the book sleeves that I make (and sell).

Do you listen to music while reading?

Not typically, no. There are circumstances where, sometimes, it calls for some headphone usage. Like when the neighbours kids are being louder than usual, or when the other neighbours kid revs his car/truck and there’s no muffler on his exhaust (which annoys the shit out of me).

Where else can we find you online?

I’m on Instagram, Twitter, Goodreads, and I have my own shop: Cozy Library (here’s the IG for my shop, if you’re interested).

Now this is where the tag ends. However, I am not done, and would like to ask some more personal questions that I think are super fun!!

Here are a few Q’s I found. Now here are my answers!

Dogs or Cats?

I absolutely adore dogs. That being said, they’re too energetic for me (I don’t have much energy to give to a dog 24/7). However, I much prefer cats—More often than not, cats are laid-back and do not require my attention 24/7. I’ve also never had a dog, while I’ve had and been around, cats most of all my life.

You’re wearing perfume, what scent is it?

I don’t normally wear perfume, because their scents are waaaay too overbearing. I much prefer subtle scents. Which is HARD to find in a liquid perfume, so I don’t even bother. — I actually found out that solid perfume(s) is a thing, so I’ve been obsessed with Sikkim Girls from Lush. It’s more of a subtle scent and honestly smells SO good.

Do you speak any languages and how well?

I don’t speak any language, aside from English, fluently. And even then I have troubles with English. THAT BEING SAID—I’m learning Japanese! I took some beginner courses back in ’17/’18 and loved them….even though I went home with a migraine every Tuesday night. I’m still at a beginner level, so don’t expect me to have a full conversation in Japanese with you 😂.

What is your favourite ice cream flavour?

Tiger! Now, I believe Tiger ice cream is a Canadian ice cream, and before you go “WHAT DO YOU MEAN TIGER? IS IT MADE FROM TIGERS?!” No, it’s not made from Tigers. Tiger ice cream is actually two different flavours that are marbled together to get two different distinct flavours with each spoonful/bite you take. One of the flavours is Orange, and the other, Liquorice. I don’t normally like Liquorice, but with the Orange flavouring, they make a surprisingly good pair. The Orange is, respectfully, Orange, while the Liquorice is black. Marbled together the effect looks like Tiger stripes, so, there ya go! Tiger ice cream. (drool emoji)

Do you have any tattoos or piercings?

YES! I’m a HUGE fan of tattoos and piercings. The first time I got tattooed was when I was 24 (just two years ago!), and it was a halloween togapee flash piece. It’s freaking adorable, and I LOVE it so, so much. Now at 26-turning-27 (in October), I have a total of nine tattoos. I love every single one of them, and I cannot wait to get more! I hope to get a bookish tattoo next, but who knows. I also have two on standby that I need to get done, but alas, there are Too Many Good Books out there.

For piercings, if all of my piercings where in, I’d have 8. Though only 6 are in “use,” lol. There are a few ear piercings I want to get done in the future as well.

And that’s it! This was my Get to Know Me tag (as well as some other questions!).

I’m glad to be back here in the bloggoverse. I’ve missed the book community, and I’ve missed talking with you all.

Happy Reading!
— Adele


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Cozy Library | cozylibrarycreations @ Instagram

July 2019 Wrap Up


Hello friends! How was your July?

My July was….good, at the beginning of the month. The rest of July seemed to drag on, and on and on. Yet now that I’m thinking back on this past month, time flew by. I got quite a bit of reading done, which I’m happy about. I also posted a few things as well. I’m trying to post more than just book reviews, so if you have any post recommendations throw ’em at me.

I hope July treated you and yours well.


pink leaf divider Continue reading

September 2017 Wrap Up


My TBR this September contained 5 books. I usually have a max of 3 books a month, since that seems to be the amount of books that I can handle. However, I got stressed and amped the books up from the usual 3 books to 5 books. Especially with reading library books, and just being busy with life in general.

The books that I had on my TBR this month (from left to right) were: I See You by Clare Mackintosh, Daughter of the Burning City by Amanda Foody, The Beast is an Animal by Peternelle van Arsdale, Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea by April Genevieve Tucholke, Spider’s Bite by Jennifer Estep.

Of the 5 books I had on my TBR this month, I only managed to read 2 of them; The Daughter of the Burning City, and, Spider’s Bite. However, I did start reading I See You — but I See You is so incredibly detailed (and I’m only 10 pages in) that the book is slower than I thought it would be.

The Books I read this September (15):

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TBR Tuesday #31

Screen Shot 2016-04-10 at 10.22.37 PMHello reader/s! I hope you’re well! For a while now, I’ve been writing a weekly or bi-weekly post about books that are on my TBR. TBR, if you don’t know is the abbreviation for To Be Read. My goal here is to shed some light on books that I’ve otherwise forgotten about. These books could be books I’ve been meaning to read from the library, or books that have been collecting dust on my shelves at home. My goal though is to say a little about the book and also give a little reasoning of why I want to read them. In hopes of reading them sooner than later.

Realistic Fiction seems to be the theme for this weeks TBR Tuesday! I haven’t read all that much of Realistic YA Contemporary Fiction. So these two books should be interesting. Or they could be a total hit and miss; I don’t know.

The first book I’ll be talking about is a YA Realistic Ficton/Mystery. I actually didn’t know all that much about the book, yet I bought it and have only just now gotten around to reading the synopsis! The second book I will be talking about it one that has been on my shelves for about…3-ish years? Seriously. No joke.  Continue reading

TBR Tuesday #30

Screen Shot 2016-04-10 at 10.22.37 PMHello reader/s! For a while now, I’ve been writing a bi-weekly post about books that are on my TBR. TBR, if you don’t know is the abbreviation for To Be Read. My goal here is to shed some light on books that I’ve otherwise forgotten about. These books could be books I’ve been meaning to read from the library, or books that have been collecting dust on my shelves at home. My goal though is to say a little about the book and also give a little reasoning of why I want to read them. In hopes of reading them sooner than later. 

Hello lovelies! For this TBR I’m going to be talking about two Young Adult books that are both in the Fantasy genre. I’m actually pretty excited about this weeks’ TBR Tuesday since I loooove the Fantasy genre.  Continue reading

To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before, by Jenny Han | Book Review #204


15749186To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before is the story of Lara Jean, who has never openly admitted her crushes, but instead wrote each boy a letter about how she felt, sealed it, and hid it in a box under her bed. But one day Lara Jean discovers that somehow her secret box of letters has been mailed, causing all her crushes from her past to confront her about the letters: her first kiss, the boy from summer camp, even her sister’s ex-boyfriend, Josh. As she learns to deal with her past loves face to face, Lara Jean discovers that something good may come out of these letters after all.

To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before (TATBILB) is the first book in the duology-turned-trilogy written by Jenny Han. TATBILB is a YA Contemporary.

I can honestly say that the first time that I read To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before, I ended up not liking it; I had a whole myriad of emotions concerning Lara Jean and the rest of the book. Continue reading

Books to Read on a Rainy Day

IMG_5572I don’t know about where you live, but where I live, the weather in Spring tends to either be wet and rainy, sunny and chilly, or be both at the same time. It could rain for 3 days straight, and then sunny for the next week and we won’t see a drop of rain. The weather here in Vancouver and Greater Vancouver Area, is very unpredictable. In fact, the only predictable thing about Vancouver is the unpredictable Spring weather.

I usually know when spring is here when there’s a huge and fast thunder storm that blows by. There will be hail, and extreme winds, followed by the rumble of thunder that rattles the house. Sometimes there will be lightning as well. The whole shebang. —-However, all of these books that I’ve listed are books that I could read over and over again.

Here are a few of the many books I’ve read that I could read over and over again, yet would be perfect for rainy, and/or stormy weather. Continue reading

Books I’m Looking Forward to this May | 2017


Hello folks! It’s almost May! We’re almost halfway through 2017. That is mind-boggling to me. Anyway, here is my post about all the books I’m looking forward to this upcoming May (2017)!

May 2nd

I’m super excited about Always and Forever, Lara Jean, since this book should be the last book in its trilogy — unless Han decides to move further on with the series. However, I’m looking forward to what Lara Jean’s attitude will be like, since I did not enjoy reading her bratty attitude in the first book, To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before.

I’m a huge fan of Mass’ ACOTAR trilogy. I’m probably going to have to take transit to go and buy ACOWAR in downtown Vancouver though, like I did when I bought ACOMAF. No worries though!

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March Book Haul & Wrap Up | 2017


Hello reader(s)! I hope March went well for you all. If not, then I’m so sorry. Hopefully April brings better things. We had a thunderstorm this month, the first of the season, I’m sure! The thunder and lightning was a sight to behold. Even though I was in my room with the lights on. Thankfully the power didn’t go out! The storm rushed through my town and at one point was over my house. It’s such a strange sensation to feel the deep rumble of a thunder storm run through the bones of your house.

unnamed-10My TBR for this month consisted of only one book! That book was A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness. It was also my groups book of the month on Goodreads. Which was why I only had one book on my TBR this month. I figured, with only one book on my TBR, surely I could sit down and just read it. Continue reading