April 2019 Wrap Up + Book Haul

Hello friends! Welcome to my April Wrap-Up & Book Haul!IMG_8624

This April I did not have a set TBR and for that, I am so grateful. In fact, because I didn’t set a TBR this month I’ve read more in April than I have these past few months combined! At least it feels that way. I’d forgotten how happy I am when I manage to read a ton.

Throughout April I actually bought quite a few books. And read a few of them in April?! Which is…not something that usually happens to me, haha. I’m very relieved and happy that I somehow managed to do that. I usually buy books and then forget about them. Especially e-books. Do you forget about the e-books you’ve bought too? It’s like my number one fault regarding book buying.

I also managed to post a few things that were not book reviews! Yay time management, looooool.

Enjoy! Continue reading