Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku, Volume 01 + 02, by Fujita | {ARC} Manga Review #29

Thank You to Kodansha Comics via Netgalley, for allowing me to read Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku Volume 01, by Fujita, in exchange for an honest review. 


cover136915-mediumThe awkward, romantic comedy manga about geeks in love that inspired the new anime! Can a professional man who’s secretly a hardcore gamer and a woman who’s secretly a fujoshi date without their hobbies getting in the way, or revealing each other’s secrets?

Extra-long book includes 2 Japanese volumes!


Narumi Momose has had it rough: Every boyfriend she’s had dumped her once they found out she was an otaku, so she’s gone to great lengths to hide it. When a chance meeting at her new job with childhood friend, fellow otaku, and now coworker Hirotaka Nifuji almost gets her secret outed at work, she comes up with a plan to make sure he never speaks up. But he comes up with a counter-proposal: Why doesn’t she just date him instead?

In love, there are no save points.

I was pretty excited to read the first volume since the synopsis sounded SO GOOD. I’m really interested in the older-aged manga and anime characters. I’ve only read two older-aged-character manga’s as of late, but I love them both. That said, I honestly didn’t know what to expect when I started reading Wotakoi: Love Is Hard for Otaku. What I recieved though was pure gold. 

In the beginning, I thought that this story was interesting, in a outsider kind of way. Meaning, I was liking the characters, yet couldn’t really connect with them on a personal level. While reading this first volume, the reader gets to know said characters. I’m so glad that I can say that I connect with each of the characters in some way.

One thing that I didn’t expect at all, was the level of involvement that Kabakura and Koyanagi would have in the story! I love ’em both though, so I’m not even bothered by them.

I love that these characters all became friends! This foursome of friends are gold. Their reactions, their conversations.. Agh, I love it all.

I like all of the characters; Narumi, Hirotaka, Koyanagi, and Kabakura all provide something towards the story, and their friendship. These four are great. They’re my precious babies and I sincerely hope that nothing bad happens to them.

Something that I like between Narumi and Kirotaka is that the two of them seem to know each other’s secrets (aside from the two of them being otaku’s).


The arguments between Koyanagi and Kabakura are sooo laughable from a reader’s point of view.

The introduction of Hirotaka’s little brother is hilarious. And the fact that Little Hitoraka is bad at games is GOLD, because it creates this tension. Especially more so, because Little Hirotaka isn’t an Otaku at all. Which is just another level of hilarity while reading because you just know that everyone else in the room is an Otaku, and they’re pretty closeted Otaku’s at that.

I was interested in reading this book not only because the synopsis snagged my attention incredibly quickly, but also because the e-copy I received contained an extra-long book that included volume 2 as well.

Overall, I ended up enjoying Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku way more than I thought I would. I thought that I’d only end up enjoying it. So not only did I enjoy the story, I ended up loving the story as well.

I give Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku 5 stars.

Happy Reading!
— Adele

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